Meet Simon,
Your Data Protection Navigator
With experience across health and social care, life sciences and health research, Simon has a pragmatic approach to data protection. His approach marries strong knowledge of the law with practical real-world application.
Having worked with over 20 NHS Trusts Simon brings an insiders' knowledge on navigating information governance. He can use this hard-won know-how to help you demonstrate compliance with the law, and win over key stakeholders in healthcare organisations.
He has personally led research applications through Health Research Authority committees to establish a research database, and understands the world of health research. He uses his consolidation of data protection and life sciences knowledge to help organisations meet their regulatory obligations with ease.

Ford E, Tunks A, Gibbons S, Farrow M, Pillinger S. Is open publishing really open to the public? Co-designing public facing materials to accompany published research, using a case study on health data research. InSeptentrio Conference Series 2024 Sep 20 (No. 1).